Welcome to CUhlDesigns
Creative works, outlets & products by Christina Uhl

CUhlDesigns has hit the road!
December 2023 will launch a new travel blog and a brand new YouTube Channel
Stay Tuned!
CUhlDesigns has taken a lot of pivots since it's inception in 2015. It has seen many different variations of my vision of monetizing my creative outlets. As I age and my business follows, I realize that this platform/title/heading just has to be an outlet for my creative work. Whether it be my photography, adventure blogs, constructive articles, or any number of other projects I've taken a dive into within my career, it's on here. I have products you can buy, blogs you can read, and if I'm available, you can hire me for a number of different projects. From professional photography, to curated special events, to food & beverage consulting, to training and management techniques, I have got you covered. With 20 years of experience in hospitality and a deep passion for flavor and the experience that surrounds it, I am a freelancer and utilitarian creative entrepreneur and I am always interested in collaborative projects.
I recently set off traveling and will be using this site as a landing spot for my experiences, professional projects, blogs and documentation along the way as well as a place for other project information and collaborators. I will be slowly working on how to re-merge cuhlfood.com and cuhlcocktails.com back into this site, but in the meantime I will be updating as much as I can and sharing my journey to becoming and expat.
••• CUhlDesigns founder Christina Uhl •••

CUhlDesigns Services
Despite our travels we are still very much open to inquiries for our services. CUhlDesigns is a creative marketplace that offers specialty, curated, community building events that infuse creators and makers in innovative ways. CUhlDesigns also hosts supplemental outposts including food & beverage business tools as well as professional and personal services.
Explore our services or pickup some CUhlDesigns merchandise from our shop.
CUhlDesigns online store full of fine art prints, household goods, & wearables

Pacific Northwest• Portland, Oregon & Beyond • CUhlDesigns.com • CUhlPhotography.com • CUhlBiz.com • info@cuhldesigns.com
©2021 CUhlDesigns • Creative Solutions • CUhlDesigns.com